7 The Supreme Court7.1 Judicial power7.1.1The judicial power of the Confederation shall be vested in one Supreme Court and in inferior courts established by law. 7.1.2The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and in equity, arising under the judicial power of the Confederation.
The judges of both the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold
their offices during good behavior. 7.2 Judicial reviewThe Supreme Court and the inferior courts shall each have the power of judicial review. 7.3 Original jurisdiction and right of appeal7.3.1Congress or the People may, by law, determine in which cases the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction, regulate the right of appeal and the number of Supreme Court justices, provided that such regulations must be consistent with this Constitution and may not come into effect until a new President shall have taken office. 7.3.2The Supreme Court has the right to propose alterations to laws regulating the Supreme Court or the inferior courts. Revised: 2004-07-02 |