The President
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5 The President

5.1 Executive power

The executive power of the Con­federation shall be vested in the President.

5.2 Prerogatives

The President has the power:


to direct the joint defense forces of the Con­fede­ration as commander in chief

5.2.2 to appoint all officers, department heads, ambas­sadors, public ministers and judges with the consent of the Senate, unless delegated or otherwise provided for by law or herein. If the Senate fails to confirm the President's nominee within 15 days, the nominee shall be deemed to have been rejected. If the Senate successively rejects 3 presidential nominees, the nominee with the highest number of affirmative votes shall be appointed, provided that the President may decide if the votes are equal. the recess of the Senate, the President may make temporary appointments to expire no later than 60 days after the start of the Senate's next session.


to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the Confederation with the exception of removal from office in the case of impeachment


to make treaties with the consent of Congress


to make proposals to the legislatures or ap­propriate authorities of the individual states with the consent of either the Senate or the House of Representatives.


to make proposals directly to the citizens of the individual states with the consent of Congress.


to make proposals to Congress or either house of Congress.

5.2.8 to veto, in part or in whole, any bill, order, resolution or vote of Congress or either house of Congress. No such law, bill, order, resolution or vote may come into effect unless expressly approved by the President or upon reconsideration in Congress, by a supermajority sufficient to override his veto.


to reduce or eliminate appropriations at any time prior to or during the fiscal year if necessary to balance the confederate budget or keep the deficit within approved limits.

5.3 Term and election


The President shall be elected directly by the citizens of the Confederation for a term of five years. 


If no person have a majority, the President shall be elected by a second ballot among the two candidates with the highest number of votes in the first ballot.

5.4 Candidates


Presidential candidates are nominated by the citizens of the Confederat­ion by a petition signed by 5 percent of the number of citizens required for the initiative, or by such lower number determined by law.


Each presidential candidate chooses a candidate for Vice President to be elected together with the presidential candidate for the same term.

5.5 Removal


The President is removable by impeachment.


In case of the removal of the President from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of said office, the Vice President shall become President or acting President, and the Congress or the People may by law provide for the case of removal, death, resignation or inability, both of the President and the Vice President until the disability be removed, or a President shall be elected.


In case of a vacancy in the office of Vice President a new Vice President is appointed by the President.


The previous subsections apply correspondingly to the President Elect and the Vice-President Elect.

Revised: 02.07.2004